Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine
Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine
Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine
Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine

Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine


Harga Normal Rp20,000,000.00 Harga SaleRp12,000,000.00 Hemat 40%
Pengiriman dihitung saat pembayaran.

  • Gratis short resistance band setelah belanja minimal Rp 300.000
  • Gratis kartu ucapan untuk orang yang tersayang
  • Stok tersedia, siap dikirim
  • Stok sedang dikirim

SVRG. Ladder Barrel Pilates Balance Body Corrector Machine

Ladder Barrel Pilates adalah alat yang inovatif dan efektif dalam dunia Pilates yang dirancang untuk memperbaiki postur tubuh, meningkatkan fleksibilitas, dan memperkuat otot-otot inti.

Dimensions :
P x L x T = 110 cm x 80 cm x 90 cm

Feature :
- Ladder is stable design, edge make rounded and smooth treatment.
- The distance between ladder and barrel is adjustable to meet different pilates movement needs.
- Round edge, soft and comfortable touch feeling.
- Fixed steel bracket for higher stability.
- Skin friendly leather.
- Using maple wood, which is not only very strong but also looks nice and beautiful.

Product Specification:
- Maple Wood
- Thickened soft bag
- High quality microfiber leather

#Pilates #Fitness #Yoga #HomeGym

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