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Burn Calories Quickly with This Exercise

Exercise is very necessary to maintain a healthy body. In addition, some people also use exercise to burn calories, so it can help with weight loss. However, many questions arise, what exercise is the most effective in burning calories?

Some sports such as running, cycling, and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), are some examples of sports that burn the most calories. However, if you want to do sports that burn more calories, plus at an affordable price, then you may have to try running.

Running can burn the most calories per hour. However, some people may not be suitable for running, especially those who have joint problems in the knee area.

Burn Calories Quickly with This Exercise

For that, some other physical exercises can be done, such as HIIT, jump rope, or even swimming. You can combine or choose which physical exercises best suit your needs and health level.

How many calories you can burn during an exercise session is influenced by several factors, such as:

  • Duration of exercise
  • Intensity
  • Weight and height
  • Training pace

In general, the heavier your body weight, the more calories you will burn during exercise.

The sport that burns the most calories

There are several types of sports that burn the most calories, for example running, cycling, gymnastics, rope jumping, swimming, hiking, rowing machines, and many more.

Unfortunately, some people may not have much time to do these sports. Even some types of sports can usually only be done in a fitness center or gym. However, does that mean they can't do sports that can burn calories at all?

Don't worry, you can still do calorie-burning exercises even if you don't have much free time. The key is to focus on high-intensity exercises that can get your heart rate up quickly.

HIIT is one of the popular ways to burn calories. HIIT involves cardio exercises in a short period of time, which is around 10–30 minutes in 1 workout. One popular HIIT method is to alternate between 30-second speed and 1-minute rest intervals.

Regularly doing HIIT can help you burn a lot of calories in 30 minutes or even less. Here are some examples of exercises you can do to burn calories in a short time, namely:

High Knee Running

High-knee running is a high-intensity cardio exercise. This exercise can increase your heart rate while strengthening your lower body. High-Knee Running is very useful for burning calories in a short time.

How to do high-knee running:

  • Run on the spot while lifting your knees as high as possible.
  • Move your arms up and down quickly.

Estimated calories burned in 30 minutes: 240 to 355.5 calories.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climber is a cardio exercise that can also be useful as a full body workout . Because in this exercise you will use your entire body, you will burn more calories even in a short time.

How to do mountain climbers:

  • Start in a plank position.
  • Lock your abs, then lift your right leg and bring your knee to your chest.
  • Return to plank position.
  • Repeat by lifting your left leg and bringing your knee to your chest.
  • Repeat this movement quickly.

Estimated calories burned in 30 minutes: 240 to 355.5 calories.


Walking is the simplest way to burn calories at home. It is also an ideal exercise if you are recovering from an injury. You can walk around your house or in your backyard.

Walking is the simplest, cheapest, and easiest exercise you can do. It is even highly recommended for people with obesity. If you walk while doing some housework, it can even help burn more calories.

Estimated calories burned per minute: 3.1 to 4.6 calories.

Jumping jack

Jumping jacks are a basic cardio exercise that can help get your heart rate up. In addition to being a cardio exercise, jumping jacks are also an excellent full-body workout.

Also read: Benefits of Jumping Jack for Health

To do jumping jacks, you don't need a special room. You can do it easily in your home.

How to do a jumping jack:

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Keep your arms at your sides.
  • Jump with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms until they are above your head.
  • Repeat in quick movements.

Depending on the intensity, jumping jacks can be part of a warm-up, HIIT, or regular workout.

Estimated calories burned per minute: 8 to 11.8 calories.

Jump rope

Jumping rope can increase your heart rate and burn calories, while also helping to build leg and lower body strength. Plus, it doesn't require a lot of equipment and space, all you need is a jump rope that's easy to use and store.

Estimated calories burned per minute: 7.6 to 9.8 calories.

Burn Calories Quickly with This Exercise

In addition to doing these exercises, there are several other things you can consider if you want to burn more calories, for example:

Cardio vs weight training

Cardio is just one way to burn calories effectively. In addition to cardio, you can also do weight training or strength training, as this is also important for burning calories.

Compared to a single weight training session, cardio training usually burns more calories in a single workout. However, weight training is essential for increasing muscle mass.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn at rest. This means your body will burn more calories over time, even while you are sleeping or sitting at your desk.

Exercise that includes cardio and weight lifting can be an ideal choice for those of you who want to burn more calories while shaping your body.

Don't forget to always warm up before doing exercise, whether cardio or weight training. Warming up will increase body temperature and blood flow, which then has an impact on preparing the body for exercise. Warming up can also reduce the risk of injury during exercise.

If you have ever had an injury, or you have a certain health condition such as arthritis, then don't forget to consult your doctor or personal trainer first , to adjust what form of exercise you can do safely.

If you do not have special conditions, then you can easily do some examples of the most calorie-burning sports as mentioned above. To be more enthusiastic, you can buy some of the sports equipment you need at SVRG . Come on, start exercising and get healthier from now on!